Safety Management

OH&S Policies / Objectives

Health and Safety Management

LS ELECTRIC has been promoting safety and health management since it declared the S-QCD safety and health management policy that considers safety a top priority.
In addition, we operate the Serious Accident Prevention Committee and evaluate our safety and health management sys-tem, led by the Chief Safety & Environment Officer (CSEO). We also identify and improve potential safety and health risks.

Health and Safety Management Organization

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Certified for ISO 45001, we practice safety and health management in compliance with international standards. Through the annual occupational health and safety management system PDCA cycle, we monitor our compliance with safety and health law and diagnose our management system on a regular basis in order to find and eliminate risks.

  • PLAN
    • Risk assessment
    • Review of laws, requirements, etc.
    • Goal setting
    • Safety & health activity implementation plan
  • DO
    • Organization and responsibilities
    • Education, training and qualifications
    • Communication
    • Documentation
    • Document management
    • Operations management (execution)
    • Emergency preparedness and response (execution)
    • Performance measurement and monitoring
    • Corrective and preventive actions
    • Records management
    • Internal review
  • ACT
    • Management review

Occupational Injuris Rate

Industrial Accident Rates

LSEOther enterprises of
the same size
unit : %
YearLSEOther enterprises of the same size

Death rate per 10,000 employees

LSEOther enterprises of
the same size
unit : %
YearLSEOther enterprises of the same size

Health and safety Education

LS ELECTRIC provides workers' health and safety training on a regular basis in order to improve the safety awareness of suppliers' employees. We will strive to improve occupational health and safety management by segmenting the training subjects and providing customized training.

Training ProgramTargetDescription
Health and safety training
of workers
managers, and supervisors
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act and internal health and safety systems
  • Key health and safety rules of worksites
  • Accident cases and preventive measures of LS ELECTRIC and other companies
Training on accident
prevention measures
Accident-related persons and
  • Preventive measures in relation to internal accident occurrence,
    safety rules (targeting related internal personnel and suppliers)
Training on the integrated
ESH management
Employees and suppliers
  • User training according to the introduction of the integrated ESH management system
On-the-job training for construction safetyProject implementers and
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act and internal health and safety systems
  • Accident cases and preventive measures of LS ELECTRIC and other companies

Safety Culture Promotion Group

As part of our efforts for a safe workplace culture, we are conducting the safety culture promotion campaign hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Emphasizing the practice of risk assessment at business premises, our labor and management are putting forth efforts together to create a safe working environment.

Supplier Health and Safety Competency Assessment

LS ELECTRIC has conducted health and safety competency assessment of suppliers in order to prevent occupational accidents among suppliers and guarantee the safety of their employees. The assessment is conducted once a year targeting the existing suppliers. When a reason arises such as new supplier registration, an unscheduled assessment is also conducted. For suppliers found to be ineligible through the assessment, we provide them with an opportunity to raise objections during a set period of time and reassess them in order to help them improve their safety capabilities.

Supplier Health and Safety Competency Assessment Process

Purchase Division
Safety Division
New Assessment
Scheduled Assessment